Westlands, Antlands Lane Shipley Bridge HORLEY Surrey RH6 9TE UK

Westlands BBQ
Have a look at our new site
Event Organisers

Some information on Westlands BBQ which we hope will be useful.
Depending on the event we have different options to bring, this would be agreed in advance, but in general we need a foot print of 10 meters x 7 meters . This would include Serving point 3 mt x 3mt, BBQ 6 mt x 3 mt and our suport truck behind us 10 mt x 3 mt.
With our large BBQ we have the option to set up a serving point at both ends of the BBQ with it's large pit ovens we can offer a greater choice, this would of course change our foot print a little.
Up to now BBQ is looked at as a small thing and traditionly it would be, the big BBQing style of the USA is coming here, the large pit smokers and that amazing Southern taste, all cooked low and slow, Well we have it and can bring it to your event.
We have been operating for six years and gained the experience of the cooking style that you just don't learn over night. It's not just chuck a lump of meat in an oven at gas mark 7. It's all in the cooking, getting the right rub mix(but rub), the wood to smoke with, then slowly cooking over night using charcoal, you can't get that flavour out of a gas oven.
5 star rating
NCASS Certified staff
Public Liability Insurance
Tables and chairs
We are very self sufficient as a unit giving the organisers the option to locate us in almost any place, we carry an on board silent LPG gas generator
so no power needed. The only thing we ask is that we can get access to a fresh water tap.
Plus you get a really nice team to work with at your event